Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dan Sung Sa

Kitty and Ducky
Dan Sung Sa
2775 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94612


Whether it's the case of late night munchies or looking for a night out with good booze and food, a Korean bar always comes to my mind. What makes this place noticeable are the old Korean movie posters that are plastered all along the walls. Many of them feature slightly scandalously clad ladies and thus this venue is nicknamed Porno Palace. They are famous for their alcoholic yogurt drinks that come in a variety of fruit flavors. But tonight we're mainly here for the food....

Deep Fried Chicken Strips with Peanut Sauce

This dish was a little different but definitely not out of the ordinary. I've always dipped by Thai satay chicken into peanut sauce before enjoying them but never had I thought to use that same concept with fried chicken. It comes in a fairly large platter that 3 to 4 people can easily share. A safe dish to order for those that are shy on the spice level. -Kitty [3/5] 

Rice Cakes with Potstickers, Glass Noodles, Ramen, and Seafood (aka Everything)

It tastes like a bunch of stuff dumped into a pan and stir fried with some gochujang.  Definitely a with alcohol kind of dish.  Lots of starches, some egg, and lots of sweet chili sauce.  It was kind of fun to eat though.  Never know what I'm going to get until I pull it out of the plate.  Will I get again?  Probably not. -Ducky [2.5/5]

Cheese Corn

The label and picture itself is self-explanatory. But it intrigued me what this combination would taste like and my curiosity could not let it go. At first bite I was overwhelmed by the flavors of butter and cheese hitting me left and right. Fans of Southern food would surely appreciate this combination. I eventually began to enjoy it more when I just nibbled it here and there, but the price still irked me for something and simple as cheese and corn. -Kitty [2.5/5]

Garlic Chicken Wings

Very unique taste.  Not quite garlic and not really soy sauce.  Kind of reminds me of like garlic, soy sauce, and a hint of vinegar chicken.  Fried chicken with a light crispy exterior and moist chicken interior.  This was my favorite dish of the night.  -Ducky [3/5]

Overall Score: [3.5/5] A definite spot to hit for fatty delicious carbohydrate and protein heavy Korean junk food.  We didn't drink, but this looked like an excellent drinking/bar/establishment.

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