Saturday, June 27, 2015

Kitty Solo in Japan 2015 Day 6 and 7

Breakfast is an important meal like any other. When you're in a rush, your local bakery will be the saving powers that be. Mine was Shinshido Boulangerie. They have a number of branches around Kyoto. The one I went to was around the Sanjo  Kawaramachi area.

Shinshido Boulangerie
Rows of Freshly Baked Goodies
Like many if not all bakeries in Asia you will find a myriad of different breads sweet or savory to choose from. So cheap and so good.

Melon Pan, Edamame Chicken Salad Pan,
Seaweed Chips, Green Tea
This time I decided to try to the bakery's melon bread (a very classic choice) and bread with edamame and chicken salad inside. I also picked up seaweed chips ...they were really good. Certainly can't find this flavor in the States. Sad days.

Edamame Chicken Salad-pan
This was great! I imagine you would have to eat this the day of but it packed a lot of flavors and I felt pretty healthy eating it. I recommend this while supplies last. Or try making this at home.....huehuehue.

Tonjiru and Cold Tofu
Clearly I ate too much for breakfast so I was left with a rather low appetite for lunch. I grabbed some cold tofu and Japanese pork soup. Everyone knows about miso soup but not as many people know about tonjiru. It's a hardy pork based soup with vegetables. Having this on a rainy day really brings comfort to the body.

Campus Chicken Kara Age
We had a exchange student party later that evening with the university students. I didn't want to spoil my appetite so I just got myself some fried chicken. It was amazingly greasy fatty and delicious. I think my arteries didn't feel the same way though. I think my arteries are stone walling me. Not a healthy relationship.

Lemon Muffins, Cheese and Herb Pan,
Orange Almond Scone, Sicilia Lemon Pocky
Next morning's breakfast consisted another run to Shinshido. Lemon muffins were a tad dry but the lemon flavor was prominent and refreshing. Orange almond scones we're all right and can never go wrong with cheese and herbs. True star today was the Sicilia lemon pocky. This flavor reminded me of the lemon flavored girl scout cookies. Too good!!

Traditional Bento
Our class went on a field trip and lunch was provided. I knew it was going to be a bento lunch but I had no idea it would be a fancy bento lunch. The bus took us to a relatively remote resort where this precious baby waited for us.

On the top left was okra, edamame, fish cake, chicken patty with vegetables, sweetened plum, grilled fish, and dashi rolled egg.

On the top right was salmon and squid sashimi.

On the bottom left was pumpkin, seaweed, mountain potato and another fish cake in a sweet sauce.

On the botton right was shrimp, perilla leaf, and potato tempura.

Konbu Soup
There was a side of pickled vegetables along with dipping soy sauces. The soup provided was seaweed based and had it's own variety of fish ball. The lunch was a amazingly exquisite and delicately prepared. When I studied abroad I never got to eat anything like this....such lucky students!!

After a long day of field trips my friend and I wandered our way to Sanjo Kawaramachi area where our tired feet told us, "We are going to eat at the Lipton Cafe." (They did sell Lipton tea)

Peppers and Conger Basil Pasta
It primarily served Japanese interpretation of Western foods. I ordered their monthly special which included peppers that were like a cross between shishito and bellpeppers. The pasta had a light olive oil sauce. It hit the spot after such a long day of walking.

Strawberry Shortcake
Lastly to finish off the evening, dessert was a must! Fortunately Lipton Cafe had a decent selection already so we didn't have to walk any further. On the menu this was called "Strawberry Premium Dome". It certainly tasted premium. Their strawberries were sweet and juicy, sponge cake very light and moist, and I love whipped cream so....rather it should have been called "Strawberry Triple Threat Dome."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kitty Solo in Japan 2015 Day 4 and 5

Busy busy this week orienting the students! It's really fulfilling to show them the joys of eating the foods around here. But first off is the usual start....Mister Donut!!!

Strawberry Donut
So this was not a Pon de Ring. It was more like a traditional donut. It was still very light. The glaze itself only had a hint if strawberry product flavor. Pon de Ring still remains supreme. 

Shio buta don with hijiki salad and potato mochi
I love lunch at Japanese university cafeterias. They are so cheap and really good!!  I'm not trying to say it's super gourmet but you can easily get a nutritious and delicious meal for a bargain. This tray was only $4.

Late Night Takoyaki Stall
I was really tired at the end of the day and didn't have the energy to expend to hunt for a restaurant. Luckily there was this cute little stall right by my apartment was still open. I knew I should have waited until I got to Osaka.....but nah.

Soy Sauce Takoyaki
So there was a soy sauce flavor option! I decided to try that instead. It was a tad salty but it's nice to get away from the slather of mayonnaise from the traditional takoyaki sauce. Can never go wrong buying takoyaki from anywhere in Japan.

Salted green onion and tuna onigiri and a box of fruits milk
I admit it. I broke my mantra. Due to class Mister Donut is open early enough for me to grab. This will have to do. If you ever come to Japan, definitely take the time to try the variety of rice balls and flavored milk. Though by flavored milk I mean flavored milk products to accommodate lactose tolerant population.

Taco Truck
It's Taco Tuesday! We just had to try it ....for science of course. Japanese interpretation of a taco. This truck got the basics down....ground beef....lettuce...some culinary creation with grilled onions. I forgot to take a picture but good job Taco Truck.

Hojicha Shaved Ice
We returned to Nakamura Tokichi for a bout of green tea goodness. I mean where else can you get hojicha shaved ice? It was also very smart that they give you the syrup in a gravy bowl so you can pour as you eat. That way it doesn't just pool at the bottom. Another perfect way to beat the heat

Green Tea Jelly with Mochi, Chestnut and Red Bean; Served with Green Tea Ice Cream and Cake Sample
In addition to a hojicha parfait I also ordered this combination set. I couldn't taste much of the green tea in the jelly but it was still so refreshing and the complementary red bean, sweetened chestnut, and mochi dango made it that much more......relaxing. Their green tea ice cream is the best I have ever had yet. You can really taste the green tea!

Cold Sencha with Traditional Japanese Sweets
It is best to sip this slowly. Initially I was taken aback by its bitterness but after each sip I appreciated its light and crisp flavor more and more. Taking a small bite of the sweets provided offered a palate refreshing break in between.

Cake and Tea Set
After much meandering around, my companions and I stopped at Ogawa Coffee around the Kawaramachi area. We needed a break and this place seemed as good as any other.

Earl Gray Shortcake with Peaches
This cake  though. Look at this gorgeous beast....its soft supple juicy peach bits filled whipped cream and moist delectable tea cake...I would certainly order this again. It's not everyday you find these kinds of flavors at your local coffee shop.

Miyoshi Hakata Nagahara ramen

Hard Working Mom and Pop Shop

Don't Forget the Toppings

Chashu Ramen
This was one of the places I wanted to hit during my trip and by stroke of luck I found it while wandering around my apartment area. It is small and simple looking but don't let this exterior fool you! It's a treasure chest!!! With treasure in the form of deeply rich broth that's not overly greasy but so so so flavorful and perfectly not too hard not too chewy ramen noodles along with tender pork and spicy bamboo that just melts with the broth in your mouth with every bite....all for less than $7. PLUS I highly recomend using the toppings to enhance your experience ...especially the rice puff looking one. It has a deep roasted taste that just soaks up the broth the moment it hits your bowl but when you bring a spoonful of soup and roasted rice puffs in your mouth.....I can't even.....

京都府京都市中京区石屋町115 辻田ビル1F
Kyoto, Kyoto-shi, Nakagyo-ku, Ishiyacho 115

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kitty Solo in Japan 2015 Day 3

It was a new day and another round to Nishiki Market! Basically brunch consisted of the following (not including repeat warabi mochi, ichigo daifuku....) :

Duck and Green Onion on a Stick
Again, get a duck on a stick. On top of that I had another duck on a stick (same as yesterdays). The green onions were a great addition and grilled well enough that it brought out a sweet taste.

Hojicha Soft Serve
I jump on any chance I get for hojicha (roasted green tea) flavored things. Today's item was soft serve which is always a great treat any time on a hot summer day in Japan.

Fish on a Stick...
....with Cheese!!!

Saw a crowded stall and wanted to see what the hullabaloo they were selling. It was various fishes on a stick with an assortment of flavors/integrated pieces (e.g. octopus bits...onions...). But I chose cheese. It was good the first couple of bites..but that processed cheese though....couldn't stop thinking about Velveeta....or this one dish in the college cafeteria I fondly remember of....The Troutwich: breaded fish fillet with cheese in the middle. There you have it and processed cheese are meant to be.

Yuzu Citrus Honey Drink
On a hot summer day there's nothing like a tall glass of lemonade. But why not mix it up a little and have an ade out of yuzu, a type of citron that's very prevalent in Japanese cuisine. Like any citron it has a sour taste but it also holds its own unique flavor (just like how lemons and limes are not the same). I can only imagine how fantastic it would be to make cookies with yuzu zest........must try when I come back home. For science.

Bento Dinner
Today our students were arriving so we had to stick around the hotel to check them in throughout the day. Even if you're not going out to a restaurant there are still MANY things to explore to eat. Things like bentos are great cheap eats that give you a lot of varieties and flavors (this bento advertised it had at least 30 flavors....but I think I only tasted 15).

Kansai Dashi Shoyu
Not to mention the snacks!!! Where else are you going to find super awesome chip flavors like Kentucky Fried Chicken, grilled beef tongue, clam butter. I shit you not I have tried all those flavors mentioned. Japan is a super fun snack country.

Green Tea Pon de Ring
Okay so I broke my mantra and the Pon de Ring was the last thing I ate in the day. But I still had one....and today was green tea flavored glaze. "Green tea". Sad days for false advertisement. The doughnut itself was plain. Still had its chewy was only laced with lies.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Kitty Solo in Japan 2015 Day 2

Rule number one in Japan: Always start your morning with a Mister Donut.

Original Pon de Ring (left) Shrimp and Corn Pie (right)

I've already raved plenty about the Pon de Ring. This morning I also tried the shrimp and corn pie.

What the.....macaroni in my pie! It didn't taste bad but it's a gimmicky flavor. I don't know if I even really saw or tasted shrimp anywhere. The "pie" dough part was good. Otherwise.....Pon De Ring still reins supreme.

Afterwards my friend and I went to a famous area around Shijo Kawaramachi called Nishiki Market. It's similar to a farmers market in a sense where there are just stalls and stalls of specialty food items being sold. Many of them come in portable snack sized forms so instead of lunch I had a smorgasbord of little treats. They are pretty cheap too! Most snacks range from $2 to $5. 

Store Front of the Tea Shop 

Matcha Warabi Mochi
Nothing like strong matcha powder covering a cool sweet careful not to accidentally inhale some of the green tea powder. This shop also sells green tea ice cream.

Store Front of a Rice Shop
Inari Zushi with....
...Pickled Vegetables!
Grilled Musubi with Green Onion and Miso
I love me some rice food items whether it comes in a pocket of tofu or grilled with sauce. I really like the inari zushi because the tofu pocket wasn't overly sweet and the pickles were great at giving the rice flavor without overpowering it. As for the rice ball....initially the flavor may seem very strong with miso, but every bite into this warm delectable made me want to eat it more as the misos taste dissolves into the center's plain rice.

Store Front of an Eel Grill Stall
Various Grilled Items From Quails to Stuffed Fish Collars
Grilled Duck Meatball
Throughout Nishiki Market you'll find a large number of stalls that will sell things on a stick...primarily meat on a stick or sashimi on a stick. This duck on a stick was wonderful. Get a duck on a stick. You won't be disappointed.

Perfectly Round Strawberry Daifuku
Delicious Insides of Strawberry Daiduku
No matter what if you find a place that sells a strawberry daifuku. Stop what you're doing and buy it. And then take a bite out of its soft mochi flesh and release all of its glorious stawberry guts and red bean organs to spill into your mouth. Because that's what buying a strawberry daifuku means: a battle victory in your mouth.

Store Front of an Egg Shop
Dashi Egg Roll
Another wonderful treat is these dashi tamago maki....otherwise known as a multilayer rolled up egg with a subtle taste of dashi. It makes my heart grieve that I can never make this as well at home. So I ate my feelings instead.

Pointoiru Restaurant

For dinner my friend and I wandered around Kyoto station. We wanted to eat there since we were expecting our companion to arrive from their airport. After much browsing (first world problem...where to eat?) we decided on this place: Pontoiru. It primarily sells spaghetti with varying degrees of Japanese influence. It is located on the 11th Floor and price per pasta dish was around $10. 

Starting with Kombu Soup

Rather than the usual miso soup we are all familiar with...we were served a cup of kombu soup. It had a very mild savory taste which was a great way to get our appetites going.

"Mochi" Pork Spaghetti with Kyoto Fresh Vegetables in Soy Butter Sauce

The menu said mochi ...which I assume was to refer for its texture. The meat was certainly a little chewy, but otherwise I really liked the soy butter taste. There was an onsen egg in there too and mixing the yolk with pasta added a richer texture and taste. I wish pasta in the States were as reasonably priced as this....

Malebranche Cafe

For dessert we hit it up Malebranche Cafe located also in Kyoto Station (can you tell there are lots of places to eat in this station alone?).

Simple Posh Interior
It's very cute and they have a selection of cakes and teas to choose from.

The Nama Matcha no Kate Set with Earl Grey Tea
I ordered their recommended special set which includes a tea of your choice. I chose iced Earl Gray. They spared me no expense in giving me a strong and exquisite brew. I was also given ice cubes to keep it cold whenever I poured a new brew into the glass. This set was only $8!!!

Chantilly Cream and Yuzu Citrus Sauce Accompanying the Green Tea Torte
Normally I am not a fan of tortes due to how heavy and dense they are. This torte was definitely  heavy with matcha but it paired incredibly well with the cream and the yuzu sauce. By using these condiments it took away some of that heavy feel of a torte. Plus I love a place that really brings out the matcha taste in their desserts. I highly recommend this cafe.