Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kitty Solo in Japan 2015 Day 3

It was a new day and another round to Nishiki Market! Basically brunch consisted of the following (not including repeat warabi mochi, ichigo daifuku....) :

Duck and Green Onion on a Stick
Again, get a duck on a stick. On top of that I had another duck on a stick (same as yesterdays). The green onions were a great addition and grilled well enough that it brought out a sweet taste.

Hojicha Soft Serve
I jump on any chance I get for hojicha (roasted green tea) flavored things. Today's item was soft serve which is always a great treat any time on a hot summer day in Japan.

Fish on a Stick...
....with Cheese!!!

Saw a crowded stall and wanted to see what the hullabaloo they were selling. It was various fishes on a stick with an assortment of flavors/integrated pieces (e.g. octopus bits...onions...). But I chose cheese. It was good the first couple of bites..but that processed cheese though....couldn't stop thinking about Velveeta....or this one dish in the college cafeteria I fondly remember of....The Troutwich: breaded fish fillet with cheese in the middle. There you have it and processed cheese are meant to be.

Yuzu Citrus Honey Drink
On a hot summer day there's nothing like a tall glass of lemonade. But why not mix it up a little and have an ade out of yuzu, a type of citron that's very prevalent in Japanese cuisine. Like any citron it has a sour taste but it also holds its own unique flavor (just like how lemons and limes are not the same). I can only imagine how fantastic it would be to make cookies with yuzu zest........must try when I come back home. For science.

Bento Dinner
Today our students were arriving so we had to stick around the hotel to check them in throughout the day. Even if you're not going out to a restaurant there are still MANY things to explore to eat. Things like bentos are great cheap eats that give you a lot of varieties and flavors (this bento advertised it had at least 30 flavors....but I think I only tasted 15).

Kansai Dashi Shoyu
Not to mention the snacks!!! Where else are you going to find super awesome chip flavors like Kentucky Fried Chicken, grilled beef tongue, clam butter. I shit you not I have tried all those flavors mentioned. Japan is a super fun snack country.

Green Tea Pon de Ring
Okay so I broke my mantra and the Pon de Ring was the last thing I ate in the day. But I still had one....and today was green tea flavored glaze. "Green tea". Sad days for false advertisement. The doughnut itself was plain. Still had its chewy was only laced with lies.

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