Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kitty Solo in Japan 2015 Day 4 and 5

Busy busy this week orienting the students! It's really fulfilling to show them the joys of eating the foods around here. But first off is the usual start....Mister Donut!!!

Strawberry Donut
So this was not a Pon de Ring. It was more like a traditional donut. It was still very light. The glaze itself only had a hint if strawberry product flavor. Pon de Ring still remains supreme. 

Shio buta don with hijiki salad and potato mochi
I love lunch at Japanese university cafeterias. They are so cheap and really good!!  I'm not trying to say it's super gourmet but you can easily get a nutritious and delicious meal for a bargain. This tray was only $4.

Late Night Takoyaki Stall
I was really tired at the end of the day and didn't have the energy to expend to hunt for a restaurant. Luckily there was this cute little stall right by my apartment was still open. I knew I should have waited until I got to Osaka.....but nah.

Soy Sauce Takoyaki
So there was a soy sauce flavor option! I decided to try that instead. It was a tad salty but it's nice to get away from the slather of mayonnaise from the traditional takoyaki sauce. Can never go wrong buying takoyaki from anywhere in Japan.

Salted green onion and tuna onigiri and a box of fruits milk
I admit it. I broke my mantra. Due to class Mister Donut is open early enough for me to grab. This will have to do. If you ever come to Japan, definitely take the time to try the variety of rice balls and flavored milk. Though by flavored milk I mean flavored milk products to accommodate lactose tolerant population.

Taco Truck
It's Taco Tuesday! We just had to try it ....for science of course. Japanese interpretation of a taco. This truck got the basics down....ground beef....lettuce...some culinary creation with grilled onions. I forgot to take a picture but good job Taco Truck.

Hojicha Shaved Ice
We returned to Nakamura Tokichi for a bout of green tea goodness. I mean where else can you get hojicha shaved ice? It was also very smart that they give you the syrup in a gravy bowl so you can pour as you eat. That way it doesn't just pool at the bottom. Another perfect way to beat the heat

Green Tea Jelly with Mochi, Chestnut and Red Bean; Served with Green Tea Ice Cream and Cake Sample
In addition to a hojicha parfait I also ordered this combination set. I couldn't taste much of the green tea in the jelly but it was still so refreshing and the complementary red bean, sweetened chestnut, and mochi dango made it that much more......relaxing. Their green tea ice cream is the best I have ever had yet. You can really taste the green tea!

Cold Sencha with Traditional Japanese Sweets
It is best to sip this slowly. Initially I was taken aback by its bitterness but after each sip I appreciated its light and crisp flavor more and more. Taking a small bite of the sweets provided offered a palate refreshing break in between.

Cake and Tea Set
After much meandering around, my companions and I stopped at Ogawa Coffee around the Kawaramachi area. We needed a break and this place seemed as good as any other.

Earl Gray Shortcake with Peaches
This cake  though. Look at this gorgeous beast....its soft supple juicy peach bits filled whipped cream and moist delectable tea cake...I would certainly order this again. It's not everyday you find these kinds of flavors at your local coffee shop.

Miyoshi Hakata Nagahara ramen

Hard Working Mom and Pop Shop

Don't Forget the Toppings

Chashu Ramen
This was one of the places I wanted to hit during my trip and by stroke of luck I found it while wandering around my apartment area. It is small and simple looking but don't let this exterior fool you! It's a treasure chest!!! With treasure in the form of deeply rich broth that's not overly greasy but so so so flavorful and perfectly not too hard not too chewy ramen noodles along with tender pork and spicy bamboo that just melts with the broth in your mouth with every bite....all for less than $7. PLUS I highly recomend using the toppings to enhance your experience ...especially the rice puff looking one. It has a deep roasted taste that just soaks up the broth the moment it hits your bowl but when you bring a spoonful of soup and roasted rice puffs in your mouth.....I can't even.....

京都府京都市中京区石屋町115 辻田ビル1F
Kyoto, Kyoto-shi, Nakagyo-ku, Ishiyacho 115

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