Saturday, September 7, 2013

Japan Trip 2013 - Day 10

The day began with a trip to Nara to see the deer and temples. We woke up relatively early to catch the first express train to Nara at 9 AM.  The host graciously provided us with waffles and blueberries for breakfast.  When we finally arrived, the first thing we did was look for the deer.  We found them alright and boy are they aggressive.  You buy these biscuits from these stalls run by old ladies around the temple grounds for 150 円 to feed the deer.  The deer do not wander far from these stalls and the moment they see you buy them they will swarm you like locusts on a field of fresh wheat.  As tempting as it was to try these rice biscuits, we did not, especially after seeing the following sign.

Deer Biscuits, It's Horrible for People!

Premium Strawberry Soft Serve, nommable
The weather was getting a bit warmer.  We ordered a premium strawberry soft serve from one of the stalls near the temple grounds.  It had a nice sweet strawberry flavor.  It was delicious and a great idea to get it.  It was a bad idea to try to eat it and walk near the deer because they kept trying to nom it too.  It was just that good and they know it.

Mochi Pounding
Fresh Warm Mochi
On our way back to the JR train station we heard this pounding sound which turned out to be mochi pounding.  We knew we had to buy one after watching them grunt and smash that mochi.  The freshly made mochi was warm and chewy just the way Kitty likes it.  Although it looks green, we weren't too sure that it actually had any matcha in it.  The center of the mochi had some red bean paste in the center.  It was delicious and definitely worth getting it.

Sesame seeds in a Mortar

Yuba Croquette and Tenderloin Tonkatsu

Miso Soup
Glorious Juicy Tonkatsu
We met up with Kitty's friend and we had a craving for some tonkatsu.  Per his suggestion, we went to Katsukura on the 11th floor of the Kyoto Station Building. Kitty ordered the tenderloin tonkatsu with a yuba croquette and I ordered just the tenderloin but I started eating it and forgot to take a picture. Either way we both agreed it was very tender and juicy and the outside was fried skillfully. The restaurant also made their own sauces which just enhanced the flavor of our dinner even more. It came with all you can eat cabbage and miso soup. The croquette had a creamy inside and as delicious it was though, Kitty was at her limits on fried foods so I had to finish it.

Hojicha Parfait
Matcha Parfait
For dessert, we stayed in the same shopping center and went to Nakamura Tokichi Kyotoekiten which is was on the third floor around the Suuvac department store. They specialized in their tea desserts, and we went with the parfaits. They were immensely well made. These were their following layers:
  • Super yummy stiffly whipped cream
  • Tea/Matcha sponge cake
  • Cereal
  • Mochi balls
  • Red Bean
  • Tea jelly
It was the best parfait we have had so far....tempted to go back before we leave for Osaka.....

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